What is the work content of production control? Required Skills

What is the role of "production control"?

"Production control" is to manage the system so that products can be shipped properly based on the plan. However, it is not just the plan and actual situation about actual products to manage. Manufacturing that actually makes things and sales that sells things, we also make adjustments for these two people. In other words, "product administrator" is the production control which manages the total management as to whether things are made and come to market, and the proper numbers are shipped properly.

Business contents of "Production control" and required skills

· Operation contents of production management
We will start planning production from sales plan etc. 
Based on that, we will decide supplier of raw materials, price negotiation / delivery date management · inventory control, assign workers, process control, quality control and so on. 
If you are manufacturing multiple products, you are also required to respond flexibly, such as changing the process depending on inventory status and changes in priorities. 
Recently, there seems to be a demand from market research to the planning, design and sales plan of new products.The ability to make use of the awareness of this product to the next product is being demanded because it is the position that actually manufactures products.

If this work is expressed in a word "the commander tower". It is a job of doing various management from the detailed part "it makes appropriate judgment from the situation changing every time" to the whole part such as "whether it is going all as planned". For example, it is the director of the sports team. It is necessary to grasp the whole and issue appropriate instructions.

· Required Skills and Viable Experiences The skills necessary for
production management are management and response skills, ability to predict and analyze information. We can make use of management experience about what and how to sell without over-production. Also, as circumstances often change, such as unpredictable events that do not go as planned, there is a need for responding. It is very important to judge calmly, without moving in any situation. 
It also needs the ability to analyze information and predict. It is a very important part in management to grasp the current situation such as what kind of situations are present from the daily movements and the data so far and to predict how it will be in the future. It is also necessary to prepare in advance assuming various things and prepare for unforeseen circumstances.

"Production management" is a challenging occupation to be involved from the beginning to the end of the product

Production management is a challenging occupation. Because we manage cost management, supplier selection, production planning, raw material management, production and shipping of products based on the sales plan, and strive to distribute products without delay. There will not be any other work that involves the product for a long time and looks to the end. 

Even in inexperienced employment is possible, but the number of recruitment is small. However, if you have experiencein manufacturing and purchasing , it will be appealing. First of all, it may be good to aim for employment after accumulating experience in manufacturing and purchasing.
