Benefits of regular employees and benefits of temporary staff

Modern times where you can choose a variety of ways of working. Looking at a short span, it seems that there is not much difference between regular workers and temporary workers in terms of how to work, but each has its own merit difference.

Benefits of regular employees


Benefits of regular employees and benefits of temporary staff

A permanent employee is an indefinite employment contract. A big merit is that it can work steadily for a long time. Generally, companies can not lay off regular employees unless there is a good reason. In addition, because evaluation such as pay raise and bonus is sometimes leading to income, it is also easy to have motivation for work. Besides this, it is also a major point that you can receive allowance for company regulations such as housing allowance and benefits. Sometimes social status is guaranteed.


Benefits of temporary staff

Temp staff will be contracts for work. Terms of work, work hours, period, conditions such as salary are prescribed by the contract, and the contract will be terminated after the period is over. The period of service may be several years after renewing the contract, but there are also periods limited for several months or so. As an advantage, you should be able to work in your desired job category and location. I do not need to do anything other than the contract work, because there is no change, I can do one job professionally. Based on your career plan, you can skill up at various companies. It can also choose whether to work overtime, it isalso a feature that it is easy to take a work-life balance . For salaries, it seems that monthly take-up is often relatively higher than full-time employees.

What is "How I Work"

Both regular employees and temporary staff have merits. Want to emphasize stability and get evaluations from the company, do you want to secure results other than work during the time and contract, to match their own lifestyle and life plan You can understand and select. Why do not you think about what you are asking for yourself?